‘Sister Wives’: Meri Brown Wife-Recruiting Shut down after Robyn

Sister Wives star Meri Brown played a major role in recruiting Robyn Brown into the family but future efforts went off the rails. Her co-wives remember all too well how she pushed to make Robyn part of their plural marriage. But, as Meri Brown scoped out wife #5 for Kody, her co-spouses pushed back.

Sister Wives: Meri Brown Brushes Up On Recruiting Skills

The potential wife’s name is Natalie, and when Kody and his first spouse meet her, Meri starts off with her spiel. She asks Kody what he thought about Natalie. Then, she answers her own question by saying, “she’s cute”. These are the same words the patriarch heard before.

The woman is very pretty, so it might surprise Sister Wives fans that Kody put the brakes on this conversation. He tells his first wife that this is what she also said about Robyn Brown when meeting her.

In this 2012 retro video (see below), it seems Meri Brown’s fishing for a fifth wife for her plural marriage. The other three Sister Wives take this as a sign Meri’s recruiting again. Their reaction to seeing the clip with Meri and Kody meeting Natalie isn’t positive.

Sister Wives: Meri Brown - Robyn Brown

Robyn Brown Is Last of the Recruits

Christine Brown, the most animated of the Sister Wives, says Meri Brown is at it again. She refers to Meri’s recruiting methods and turns to Robyn. Christine tells Robyn she’s glad she got her, but Meri should stop “bringing in those women”.

Kody’s wife Janelle, who’s usually the voice of reason for the Sister Wives, speaks next. She says her co-wife jumps to a conclusion long before she should. Janelle says when Meri meets someone she likes, she automatically jumps to her being one of the “Sister Wives“.

Meri’s three co-wives all agreed that’s wife one’s way of doing things. Even Kody sees his wife’s tendency to recruit someone she likes, as she did with Robyn Brown.

Sister Wives: Robyn a Good Catch – But No More?

With the joking aside about Meri opening the door to Robyn Brown, Kody claims he doesn’t have an “open marriage”. He also points out, somewhat sternly, that he’s not looking to add any more Sister Wives.

So, for newer fans, this video gives you a look back at family dynamics. It also offers an idea of how Meri Brown not only recruited Robyn Brown but how she has the tendency to be on the lookout for more potential spouses.

The first of the Sister Wives denies she presented Natalie as a possible fifth wife. But her co-wives and husband don’t buy this. So, it looks like Meri’s wife recruiting days are long gone.

Soap Dirt offers the latest news and the best flashbacks for TLC’s Sister Wives.