‘Sister Wives’: Meri Brown Says She’s Not a Basement Wife – Guess Which Wife Was?

Sister Wives star Meri Brown explains what a “Basement Wife” is and why is not one. Meri is not Kody Brown’s legal wife anymore but she is and always will be known as the first wife. There’s a lot of privileges and benefits for the first wife. Especially when she is also the only one legally married to their shared husband.

Robyn Brown is Kody’s current legal wife, but Meri Brown still holds the first wife slot spiritually.

Sister Wives: Meri Brown

One of the main focuses of this season of Sister Wives has been the one big house plan Kody Brown has been attempting to get all his wives on board with. However, only his second wife Janelle Brown is fully supportive of the idea.

Kody’s wife Meri Brown would go along with it if need be. But Christine Brown is firmly against sharing living quarters with her Sister Wives. Meri recently shed some insight into a reason why Christine Brown is not open to a shared house. Here’s the backstory.

Sister Wives Update: Meri Brown Defines Basement Wife

Sister Wives alum Meri Brown says there are certain types of housing that are used throughout the polygamist culture. Often times a polygamist man will buy a house with an unfinished basement and renovate it to accommodate another wife. So on the main floor of the house would typically be a living room, kitchen,  bedrooms and this is where the first wife usually will live. Then in the basement, wife number two or three will have a similar setup.

Sister Wives’ Meri Brown further says there is a slew of emotions that go along with being the “basement wife”. In fact, she says it’s actually called and referred to as that name. Meri says there’s a misconception that the wife living in the basement is not as important as the wife on the main floor. It is a strong emotion among plural wives to be the basement wife.

Christine Brown was the “basement wife” when they lived together in Lehi. So this could be one of the reasons she’s so against sharing a home with Kody’s three other wives.

Christine Brown Has PTSD From Her Time Down Under?

Sister Wives’ third wife Christine Brown has been extremely vocal against Kody Brown’s plan to have all his wives and children under one roof. She claims it’s because she likes being master of her own domain and that she’s a better mom living solo. However, could it be that she doesn’t share the fond memories her sister wives have from their time living under the same roof?

According to Sister Wives Christine Brown, the other two ladies had a much better set up. At the time, Meri Brown was both Kody’s first wife and legal wife. So the main floor was Meri’s residence.

Janelle Brown lived in the addition, which had both an upstairs and downstairs. However, Christine as the third wife found herself the living space in the basement apartment. So, in Lehi, she was the “basement wife”. Since Christine was the designated stay at home mom of the three, she spent the most tie at the house alone with everyone’s kids. Obviously, Christine has not fully recovered from the emotional strain she experienced from her time in the basement.

Sister Wives: Kody’s Dream Makes For A House Divided

Sister Wives’ husband of four Kody Brown won’t give up his dream to have all his wives and kids living under one roof. However, he’s gone about it the wrong way. First, he called it his house. Then he dropped the bomb on the wives on Christmas in front of the entire family. And lastly, if he wants this to be the way they live, and he is their family’s leader, then why is it even up for discussion.?

Currently, the one house plan is back burned. The cons the wives shared, for now, outweigh the pros. However, maybe one day in the future Kody Brown can convince his wives this is the best way for their family to move forward.

Soap Dirt has all the latest Sister Wives updates.