‘Sister Wives’: Christine Brown’s Look Picked Up by Famous Celeb? [Pic]

Sister Wives Christine Brown should be flattered that the show’s fans see a very popular celebrity suddenly looking just like the mom of six. She’s even wearing her hair just like the third bride in the Sister Wives family.

Sister Wives: Christine Brown and Her Die-Hard Fans

With a week to go before the new season of the Sister Wives rolls out, it looks like the show’s followers might be just a bit anxious. From chatting about past scenes from the show to comparing a celebrity to one of the wives of Kody Brown, they’ve covered the gambit.

When Christine Brown shows up on the first episode of the new season she’s not a happy camper. Her fellow bride, Robyn Brown, joins her in a bout of questions aimed at Kody.

Janelle holds a family meeting as the family is more fragmented than ever. It sounds like they’ll look to their shared Sister Wives husband for some answers. It seems Kody decides he will no longer promote polygamy. His brutal honesty is bound to stun the fans.

But until the new season opens up next week, the fans offered something to ponder. They see a fairly good resemblance of a famous face to Christine Brown.

Sister Wives: Christine Brown - Britney Spears

Hint… Oops, She Did It Again…

It seems a more recent photo of Britney Spears hunkering down at home during the pandemic caught the eye of one of the Sister Wives fans. That photo appears above and you have to admit at first glance you could pass her off as Christine.

Since Britney is a beautiful woman, this is a complement to Christine Brown. Maybe once the shared hubby sees this, it could throw a spark into him. After all, he’s got a Britney Spear look-alike on his team of wives.

From what the spoilers for the first two episodes of the new Sister Wives season have to say, the plural marriage is a mess. So, maybe lighting a spark under the Sister Wives patriarch isn’t such a bad thing.

Sister Wives: Kody Brown - Kris Kristofferson

Sister Wives: Christine & Kody Brown Look-Alikes

Christine is not the only Sister Wives spouse with a look-alike tossed at them from the fans. Kody has seen his fair share of suggestions on who he resembles as well. The Kody comparison to Kris Kristofferson showed up often from the viewers through the years.

Several times a comparison to Charles Manson pops up when searching for comparisons to Kody made by viewers. But it seems today people hone in on Christine Brown and how much Britney Spears resembles her at this time in her life.

The Sister Wives mom loves to sing, so Christine Brown not only shares her looks with the star but her love for a song as well. Although they don’t sound too much alike when it comes to hitting those high keys. But Christine did take singing lessons to get better at it.

Only one week left for Sister Wives Season 15 start date. So make sure to tune in on Sunday night February 14 at 10 pm EST and catch the first new episode. Then make sure to check back at Soap Dirt for all the latest on the TLC series and the Brown family members.