‘Big Brother’: Eviction Leak – CBS Fake Photo Reveals Who’s Out First?

Big Brother might have accidentally spoiled their first BB21 evicted houseguest being David Alexander with a photoshop mishap. There was obviously something a little funky about the backyard promotional photos at first glance. David appears photoshopped into the group photos! Now having seen episode one, it seems certain that David Alexander is one picked by Camp Director Jackson Michie to run the race.

Big Brother Spoilers: David Alexander – Not The First Time In BB History

This won’t be the first time Big Brother brought someone back for the photo shoot after their eviction. Jodi Rollins from BB14 was an early evictee. But they had to bring her back one day later for the backyard pictures. That way they could have her in the group photos and fans would be none the wiser.

But it was extremely awkward because there were still some strong tension after her early exit. This time Big Brother and CBS apparently learned from the past and seem to have edited David Alexander into the group shot. Only, they didn’t do it well enough to get away with it.

David Alexander Photoshop Fail Spoils Eviction?

From first glance it’s clear that something about the group photo around the table is odd. A closer look to the right of the image reveals the reason. No, it’s not because of how good looking he is. It’s actually because his image just doesn’t seem to mesh with the rest of the Big Brother 21 cast. It appears that Big Brother faked the photo showing David Alexander in the group picture.

His foot seems to be part of the ground and Analyse Talavera’s arm appears to be at an odd angle with him in front of her. But the clincher is that if you look at the gap in David’s arm, Tommy Bracco has no legs.

CBS might need to talk to the people in charge of editing. Even David’s individual photo is problematic. Which would not impress professional photographer David Alexander.

Big Brother Cast

David’s Pool Pictures Taken Way Later

Not only did they screw up when editing David Alexander into the photos, they also weren’t paying attention during his individual shoot. If you look at the picture below you can see David, Isabella Wang and Holly Alexander’s pictures. Pay close attention to the pillows in the background. Every pillow is neatly arranged in each Big Brother houseguest’s photo in the exact same setup. If you look at all the other BB houseguests individual photos, the pillows are all in the exact spot, indicating that the pictures were taken at the same time.

But once it gets to David the pillows are messily strewn across the bench which means they were taken at different times. According to one Big Brother super fan, David’s photos were taken about 90 minutes later than the rest of the group.

Big Brother: Isabella Wang - David Alexander - Holly Alexander

Big Brother Spoilers: Other Reasons For Impromptu Photoshop

While the most obvious reason for the photo editing being David Alexander’s untimely eviction, there are other possibilities for Big Brother needing to edit him in. During the BB21 season premiere, David Alexander was one of four houseguests that volunteered for the role of Camp Director.

It makes sense that Jackson Michie, the winner of the vote, might nominate the other three that wanted the role. That means he may have David Alexander, Jessica Milagros, and Cliff Hogg III run the in-the-dark race to the house. Read the details of the comp here. If David’s last to find the house and auto-evicted, that would explain the after-the-fact photo shoots and sloppy photoshop.

Whatever the case watch the Big Brother premiere tonight to see what happens.

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