‘Sister Wives’: Kody Brown Breaks Silence – Fans Jump All Over Him

Sister Wives star Kody Brown broke his silence over the weekend to add his thoughts to a topic he knows a lot about, as do his wives. Sometimes it seems as if Kody Brown just can’t contain himself when it comes to the topic of polygamy.

His Sister Wives show did bring the idea of exploring the plural marriage to the mainstream public. Because of this, he’s really the guy with the family that softened the thoughts on plural marriage.

Sister Wives: Kody Brown Bombarded

The Sister Wives patriarch gives thumbs up to a new documentary. He seems to think it’s a good portrayal of a polygamous family, much like his. The byline describes this family as the family that “changed the law” of polygamy, something Kody Brown also worked at as well.

But the other family and their documentary didn’t seem to catch the interest of the Sister Wives fans. Instead, since Kody finally came out into the public light again, his Sister Wives followers were loaded with questions.

This short blurb about another family wasn’t what most fans wanted to hear. Viewers took this chance to pump out the questions before Kody closed this window of opportunity. So, the questions, which aimed at Kody, his wives, and even his kids, kept on coming.

Getting to Know The Women He Married

When Does the New Season Begin?

So when will Sister Wives grace the TLC screen with a new season? This appears as the most asked question of the reality series viewers. Sadly for the enthusiasts of this series, Kody dropped his blurb and ran. He never answered his fans’ questions.

But the new season could roll out anytime now. TLC traditionally reveals the premiere date of a new season a month or even just weeks before it happens. So it feasibly could start in a few weeks. But so far, TLC revealed nothing, so no official word yet.

While the Sister Wives seasons could debut in any month, which they have through the years. But for the last few years, the new seasons rolled out in January. So with a little luck, TLC could announce any day that a new season is just weeks away.

Although, this is the first time they had to film with a nationwide pandemic bringing social distancing rules. This kept the camera crews away for part of the time slated for filming.

Still, Christine Brown said they dropped remote cameras in their homes. So they filled one week on and one week off during this time. Due to this, it could take a little longer than usual to edit. But they did film another season.

Sister Wives: Janelle Brown - Meri Brown - Christine Brown - Kody Brown - Robyn Brown - Dancing

Sister Wives: Reprimands Galore

After the questions about the start of a new Sister Wives season, the next most asked question seemed to be about housing. Viewers wanted to know if Kody Brown ever got his huge dream house.

The fans seem very protective of Kody’s four wives. The reprimands he got over the weekend seem to speak to that. People got on Kody Brown for the treatment of Meri Brown in the last season.

Verbal finger shaking at the father of 18 kids who seemingly doesn’t have a job also showed up. One of the themes that frequently runs through any given Sister Wives season is the family’s worries over finances. The head of this family also got a written tongue lashing over the way he spends money, from the fans.

Check back here at Soap Dirt for all the latest Sister Wives news.