Catfish Recap: Nev Schulman and Nick Young Chase Rich Dollaz on Season 7 Episode 21

This Catfish recap finds Nev Schulman with Nick Young, (AKA Swaggy P) as his co-host this week. Nick is a pro basketball star for the Denver Nuggets and an internet meme sensation. This week’s mystery involves Love and Hip Hop: New York’s Rich Dollaz. See what happened with our recap for Season 7 Episode 21 ‘Sheila & Rich Dollaz’.

Catfish Recap: Nev Schulman and Swaggy P Dig Into Instagram Affair

The 33-year-old single mom Sheila is from Long Island and a big fan of VH1 reality show Love and Hip Hop: New York. While watching the show, one cast member caught her eye, 41-year-old Rich Dollaz. The union rep is an aspiring rapper. So she took a shot and slid into Dollaz DM’s on Instagram with a quick hello. He responded right back.

As far as she could tell, the Insta was the real deal, verified with a blue check and over a million followers. Sheila reached out to Catfish: The TV Show for help. For eight months, she talked to who she thought was Rich Dollaz. But she is frustrated because he won’t give her his digits or FaceTime. Sheila suggested the two meet, but she was shot down.

Nev and Nick Head to Long Island on Catfish

Nev Schulman and Nick Young are skeptical of the online tryst but the Instagram is legit. The two traveled to the Long Island burbs where Sheila anxiously waits outside a brick house. She leads the DM detective duo down into a basement apartment on Catfish. The pad has more zebra in it than the Bronx zoo. Then Sheila spills the details of her infatuation with Rich Dollaz.

He portrays himself as a creep on the show, but she thinks he really wants to settle down. Especially with her. She agrees the two can check out the thread which goes way back. There are a lot of messages from “Rich” asking for sexy videos and nudes. Sheila has obliged his requests with some racy vids and Nick gets an eyeful on Catfish: The TV Show.

Sheila – Sexy Poet or Scary Stalker?

Sheila admits she even went as far to compose a poem for Rich Dollaz. Nick calls her out as being a little crazy at this point. Nev Schulman wants to hear the ode to the L&HH star and Sheila throws down. She raps the poem and it’s something like “why you want strippers, creeps, and freaks, it’s deep”. It ain’t Shakespeare but it makes a point.

She also sent him bride and baby emojis. Nick tells her she’s getting a little stalker-ish on Catfish: The TV Show. Nick’s suggestion that she tone down her DM’s falls flat. She’s convinced that it’s real between her and Dollaz. She even photoshops pics of them together. Nev tries to hide his eye roll here. The crazy meter is now off the charts.

Nick asks if her Love and Hip Hop crush sent her any sexy pics in return. Sheila says no, but she like everyone else has checked out his leaked nudes. Hard eye rolls here, something’s not right. Is she the one Swaggy P and Nev Schulman should be investigating?

Like Sands Through The Hour Glass -These are The Days of Our Lies

Co-host Nick Young and Nev Schulman head to a hip cafe to get to the bottom of things. Nev spots a large hourglass and flips it, setting a time frame to solve the Long Island Catfish: The TV Show mystery. First order of business: get ahold of Dollaz himself. MTV and VH1 are sister networks so Nev uses his connections to get some info.

An MTV assistant is able to verify that Dollaz Instagram is true-blue check verified and that he is the only one using it. The sand pours through the hourglass while the guys peruse the account. Its vibe is that of a younger person. Nev’s MTV contact has provided a phone number for Rich Dollaz. Two phone calls result in an outgoing message from someone named Jose. Huh?

Swaggy P Schools Nev on Texting

Nev wants to leave a text on Catfish: The TV Show to see what’s going on but flounders on how to word it? Hey bro? What’s up? Swaggy P takes over and taps out the perfect text “what up son what’s good tryna holla to ya about something”.

Dollaz doesn’t holla back so the duo head back to brief Sheila. She is nervous but wants to keep believing her hip-hop fairytale. A phone pings and yes, it’s Dollaz! He wants to meet ASAP at a park in NYC. The trio heads out to see who they caught at the end of this Catfish line.

A Family Affair – Rich Dollaz Rogue Nephew

For a moment, Sheila is all smiles and phew! Standing there in all his Love and Hip Hop: New York glory is none other than Rich Dollaz! As they get closer, it’s obvious he really has no idea who she is or what she’s talking aboutIt seems Rich gave control of his Instagram to his 20-something nephew Rove. Sheila looks like she wants to puke but it’s about to get worse.

Dollaz graciously apologizes to the Long Island woman and vows he’s taking back his Insta like right NOW. Rogue nephew Rove arrives swathed in gold chains and smirking. Catfish host Nev calls him out on the fact that he knew he was lying to Sheila and took advantage. Rove thinks he did nothing wrong and that it was all a game.

Sheila – Hooked on Catfish

Rove is on the defense and claims girls slide into his uncle’s DM’s all the time. So, if he can score some nudes, it’s all good. Nick and Nev school him on the basics of human decency, but he still seems clueless.

Sheila feels disgusted and upset. Rove makes a half-hearted apology. Sheila heads back to Long Island. The guys check in with Sheila three months later. She rocks a new red hairdo and is “talking” to someone new online.

It’s deja vu for Nev and Nick as it’s another celebrity Sheila thinks she’s talking to online. It’s time to wrap this week’s cautionary tale otherwise known as Catfish: The TV Show. Rove gets a check-up call from Nev and Swaggy P and apologizes again saying he learned that at the end of the day, the chick giving up nudes is still a woman.

Until next week, be sure to keep your passwords safe!

Check back to SoapDirt often for all your Catfish recaps, news, and spoilers.