‘Big Brother’ Spoilers: Cliff Hogg Takes Shot at the Jacks – POV Winner Throws a Wrench in Plan

Big Brother spoilers reveal Cliff Hogg‘s plans to target Jackson Michie and Jack Matthews. He nominated both of them after winning HoH in hopes of splitting up the duo. But Jackson won the PoV and is most definitely going to use it on himself. So, Cliff is in a little bit of a pickle and multiple alliances have pitched him their ideas. Will Cliff use this opportunity to backdoor Isabella Wang or to flush Christie Murphy’s whacktivity power?

Big Brother Spoilers: Cliff Nominates Jack And Jackson In Big Move

Cliff Hogg III is the first to take a shot at the majority Big Brother alliance this summer by targeting its two unofficial leaders. Jack Matthews and Jackson Michie were thrown on the block and things got a little emotional. Jack actually cried in front of Tommy Bracco, who he blamed for his emotional state.

Meanwhile, Jackson is one of the four have-nots this week and is suffering from a severe case of the munchies. He the biggest snacker in the house and surviving off of slop is not doing it for him. He’ll probably have a blow-up in the coming days from “starvation.” Someone from Big Brother production needs to get the man a snickers bar.

Jackson Wins The Power Of Veto – Bella Going Up As Replacement?

Despite being extremely hangry, Jackson Michie managed to secure safety by winning the PoV. This throws a wrench in Cliff Hogg’s plan but his bigger target Jack Matthews is still sitting on the block. Now, Cliff just has to figure out who is going to sit up there next to him.

Several names are floating around, one of them being Isabella Wang. In a conversation between Cliff and Christie, Bella’s name came up. Christie said she would use her Big Brother power to put Bella up as a replacement. At first, Cliff said he was thinking Analyse or Holly, but then said he would put Bella up so she didn’t have to use her power.

Big Brother Spoilers: Was Cliff Lying To Christie About Nomination?

Earlier that day, before Cliff Hogg and Christie Murphy had their game talk, he discussed options with Nick Maccarone and Isabella Wang. Nick told him to lie to any of the Six Shooters that he would put up Bella, so that Christie wouldn’t use her power.

That way, he could put up Tommy or Holly if they’re able to trick her. But Jack Matthews would probably still go home as he is the biggest target inside the house right now. Watch Big Brother tonight to see the HoH competition and Jackson and Jack’s reactions to getting nominated.

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