Big Brother: Is Da’Vonne a Worse Player than David at This Point?

Big Brother‘s remaining houseguests are still battling it out, but some are doing better than others. Da’Vonne Rogers and David Alexander are two of the players currently on the outs.

David’s played the least amount of the game, having been evicted on the first night on BB21, while Da’Vonne’s played two seasons and made it to the jury once. In theory, she should be the better player. So, why has she fallen into a trap meant to cause drama between them?

Big Brother: Nicole Franzel Lies to Da’Vonne Rogers

It all started with last week’s Big Brother eviction. Da’Vonne Rogers, Kevin Campbell, and David Alexander all made a pact to vote out Tyler Crispen over Ian Terry. When the Big Brother 22 episode aired, they all stuck to their plan, but the house still evicted Ian in a 5-3 vote. The problem is that Nicole Franzel lied to Da’Vonne.

Nicole said that she voted to save Ian, despite the fact that she didn’t.

Da’Vonne chose to belive Nicole because Nicole turned on the waterworks when Ian was voted out. When Nicole blamed on Day’s ally, David, for her vote, Da’Vonne belived her. DaVonne chose to think he betrayed her on Big Brother

Nicole lying and blaming David for her eviction vote led to an argument between Day and David. Da’Vonne turned on David and called him an “Uncle Tom” when he was telling the truth.

Big Brother: Da'Vonne Rogers - Kevin Campbell

Da’Vonne Fights with Ally David Alexander

Because she thinks that David Alexander flipped on their plan, Da’Vonne Rogers was very upset with him. In her past seasons of Big Brother, she’s never been afraid to speak her mind. And this time was no different. While the feeds were down, Da’Vonne and David had an argument off-camera that resulted in her calling him the racial slur. Day later confirmed it on-camera.

David was upset by this as DaVonne chose to believe Nicole (known for lying game play) over him.

Big Brother: Big Brother: Da'Vonne Rogers - David Alexander

Big Brother: Who’s Playing the Better Game?

David Alexander and Da’Vonne Rogers are both low on the BB22 totem pole. David is a newbie but has a better read on the game than Da’Vonne. He may be the Big Brother rookie, but it’s Da’Vonne making the rookie mistakes.

In regards to competition wins, the two of them have each won only a single challenge. Day won the Power of Veto last week and used it to save Kevin Campbell from the block. Then, David won a power from the BB Basement that allowed him to save himself the same week. Who do you think is currently playing the best game on All-Stars?

Check back daily with Soap Dirt for the latest Big Brother news.