‘Big Brother’ Tyler Crispen: 5 Fun Facts

Tyler Crispen on Big Brother season 20 is one of the most talked about contestants. He was the first BB20 Head of Household. He has also won a Power of Veto and a BB power app.  Tyler brings a lot of energy to the house. The superfan says it feels like he is living out his dream by competing on the show.

Here are five interesting things about Tyler Crispen that viewers might not know.

1.Tyler Crispen’s background before BB20

Tyler was born on February 18, 1995, in Rossford, Ohio. He now lives in Hilton Head, South Carolina. Before appearing as a contestant on BB20, the 23-year-old lifeguard was a contestant on the second episode of TKO: Total Knock Out hosted by Kevin Hart.

That episode will air on July 19, 2018, immediately following Big Brother’s Thursday night eviction show. Therefore, viewers will see Tyler on two back-to-back shows on CBS. The taping of TKO was done earlier this year before Tyler became a BB houseguest.

2. Tyler’s profession

Being a lifeguard is the perfect profession for Tyler because he loves the water. Living in Hilton Head is the perfect place for him because of the beaches there. His profession shows that he is a compassionate person. His main objective is to keep people safe and save their lives if it comes to that.

Viewers can see that trait of the lifeguard as it has spilled over into the house. He has been seen comforting other houseguests when they were having bad days. When Samantha “Sam” Bledsoe was stuck as a robot, Tyler comforted her constantly and was her champion.

3. Tyler’s popularity in the BB house

By looking at Tyler and hearing him talk, you would not think that he is the youngest male houseguest this season.  On the third day of the competition, Tyler became the first Head of Household of the season.  Later, he won a competition and won the Power of Veto.  The lifeguard won the second BB power app.

The Cloud power app will keep him safe from eviction for eight weeks. So far, he hasn’t told anyone that he has that particular app. Tyler says his main challenge is getting the houseguests to believe what he says. According to Crispen, when he is lying, people think he is telling the truth, and when he is telling the truth, people think he is lying. Besides that, he does not like confrontations.

4.  Tyler’s style and uniqueness

The houseguest is seen in two different ways on the show. You never know whether you will see him with his blonde curls flowing or if you will see him with his hair tied up in a bun with a bandana around his head. Either way is fine with his fans on social media. It is obvious that Americans love him. They voted for him to be the most trending houseguest the second week.

Angela Rummans and Tyler are from the same hometown – Hilton Head, South Carolina. However, they did not know each other before ending up on the same show at the same time.  They thought targets would be on their backs because of that, but that isn’t the case at all.  Both of them are in the Level 6 alliance, along with Brett Robinson, Winston Hines, Rachel Swindler, and Kaycee Clark.

5. Tyler’s chance of winning Big Brother

As of now, people think Tyler has the best chance of winning the competitionHe is host Julie Chen’s pick for the season to win Big Brother 20.  Chen says she thinks Tyler is an excellent player without any enemies in the house. He is likable, and the houseguests trust him.

The lifeguard has been playing a good game. So far, he doesn’t have any blood on his hands.  No one will be surprised if Tyler Crispen becomes the next winner of the $500,000 grand prize.

Come back to Soap Dirt often for Big Brother news and spoilers!  You don’t want to miss what the BB houseguests are doing next.