‘My 600-lb Life’: Dr. Nowzaradan Says Michael Blair in Danger

My 600-lb Life star Dr. Nowzaradan says that Michael Blair is in danger if he doesn’t fix his weight problem soon. This is causing Michael Blair to panic, as he realizes that time’s running out.

My 600-lb Life: Michael Blair Hurts Himself

On My 600-lb Life, Michael Blair is open about how he struggles with a unique form of self-harm. After the nearly fatal car accident he was involved in, he needed to get emergency surgery to save his life. During the surgery, his spleen was removed. As a result, his body’s grown a lot of thick scar tissue around his stomach. So, Michael’s previous gastric bypass approval was useless, as he’s unable to receive the surgery.

After this news, Michael Blair from My 600-lb Life talks about how he’s going through a really bad depression since the life-changing event. However, he and his wife discuss having a second child to help bring him out of that depression.

Yet, the birth of his second son didn’t help improve Michael’s mental health. On My 600-lb Life, Michael admits that he overeats a lot. But, Michael reveals that sometimes he’ll eat so much, it causes the scars on his stomach to hurt. Michael says he won’t stop eating, even after his stomach starts to hurt. However, he isn’t able to understand why he refuses to stop eating.

My 600-lb Life: Dr. Nowzaradan

Dr. Nowzaradan Goes On An Exploration

On My 600-lb Life, Dr. Younan Nowzaradan agrees to take on Michael Blair if he’s willing to put in the work to help save himself. Before he gets too deep into his weight loss journey, Dr. Now agrees to perform an endoscopy on Michael. This is so that way, they can both get a better understanding of how bad his scar tissue is. But, Dr. Nowzaradan warns that if it’s too thick, they won’t be able to perform the operation.

My 600-lb Life: Michael Blair

My 600-lb Life: Dr. Nowzaradan Spills on Danger About Michael Blair

While on My 600-lb Life, Dr. Nowzaradan says it’s important for Michael Blair to lose as much weight as he possibly can. This is he can get the pressure off of his stomach that his weight is causing. Then, Dr. Now breaks down and explains that if he doesn’t do that, he’s not going to get the gastric bypass surgery he needs to save his life. This means that he’ll stay in danger of dying as a result of a weight-related illness.

A heartbroken Michael nods his head as he understands what My 600-lb Life star Dr. Nowzaradan’s explaining to him. However, he doesn’t feel very hopeful about his future. He isn’t sure if he’ll ever qualify for gastric bypass surgery, so he’s ready to give up on himself. However, his wife Kimberly pushes him to keep going.

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