‘Little People, Big World:’ Audrey Roloff Strikes a Pose After Police Stop

Little People, Big World star Audrey Roloff recently offered up a public service message after a police officer pulled her over. An officer of the law stopped Audrey for what sounds like distracted driving. While it looks as if the message was her idea and not something official, folks are talking about it today.

Little People, Big World’s Audrey Roloff Strikes a Pose After Police Stop!

While Audrey Roloff is a beautiful woman who is part of the Little People, Big World reality show, she’s also a regular mom and wife. But for some reason, her pictures all look like they came out of a magazine. Does Audrey Roloff, who is the wife of Jeremy Roloff, ever take a candid picture? Or is this woman just naturally photogenic in a magazine-type of a way?

Even the picture that she posted with her public service message looks like it’s from a photo shoot. You can see that picture below, it is the shot on the left. She also added a reminder to the picture after she did something that she sees other people do all the time. That is pick up their phone while driving.

Audrey Offers Warning About Distracted Driving

Didn’t your mother ever tell you that just because other people are doing this it doesn’t make it alright? Audrey apparently learned the hard way. According to Good Housekeeping Magazine, Audrey confessed to being pulled over by the police in an Instagram post earlier this week.

It almost looks as if she fashioned the picture, which is on the left above, after a mugshot. Her information, which would be there if it was an actual mugshot, is missing. Instead, she has her unofficial public service message for everyone to see in red.

While Audrey didn’t face any legal ramifications for this stop, it sounds like she she got a ticket. Audrey writes: “So just in case you didn’t know, you can get a very expensive citation for holding your phone in any capacity while driving.”

Maybe it weighed on her mind so she thought she’d offer up a warning to remind people you can get pulled over. She claims she had her phone in her hand for all of two seconds when the sirens came from behind.

Little People, Big World Star has Quite the Smile

In almost every picture on her social media pages, Audrey Roloff appears posed. More often than not she has an ear to ear grin on her face in the photos. That is unless it is a picture in which she portrays someone deep in thought. In one of the photos from Audrey Roloff’s Instagram account, she is smiling as she moseys through some flowers. She is seen frolicking down a dirt path and even curled up in bed next to her husband.

All these pics have the same thing in common, they have the feel of a magazine-like pose to them. One of the pics above looks like it came out of an old Sears Catalog, the one that the store used to send to your house right before Christmas. Of course, only the baby boomers probably remember that, but it does have that resemblance. The only things missing from that photo are the toys. Blocks, a sled, and even a baby doll would put a catalog-like feel to that image.

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5 things you wouldn't know about me from following my insta feed… • 1️⃣ I have accidental gauges. Yes, you read that correctly. 😅 I haven’t worn earrings in 6 years. Apparently spending all day every weekend wearing a ski helmet isn't the best idea after getting your ears pierced… I noticed me ears were a little sore, but I have a high pain tolerance so I didn’t think anything of it. oops. To this day, if I pull my ear out to the side it looks a lot like a piece of bologna some kid bit the center out of.🤦🏼‍♀️ • 2️⃣ I was a complete tomboy growing up. The only time I ever wore dresses was to prom. And even then I still wore my vans. Now I own at least a dozen floral dresses, but I still have a hard time with the whole shoes on stilts thing. 🤷🏼‍♀️ • 3️⃣ I battled chronic stomach pain in college and was diagnosed with all kinds of gastrointestinal issues. During my junior year, it got so bad that I had to take a term off from school and running to focus on my health and seek medical care. Long story short, the Lord healed me during that time off, and I wholeheartedly believed that it was through the power of prayer 🙏🏻Now I eat all pancakes 🥞and drink all the lattes ☕️ without digestive ramifications. Yes Lord🙌🏻 • 4️⃣I wasn’t allowed to wear makeup until high school, so one of my friends let me borrow her black eyeliner and i would generously apply it in the middle school bathroom. No mascara, just thick black lines under my eyes and copious amounts of sticky lipgloss. 🤣 Now I see why moms don’t let their 12-year-olds wear makeup. 🙅🏼‍♀️ I commend you for trying mom😬 • 5️⃣ I have most of my life recorded in journals. They are full of prayers, problems, praises, and ponderings. My first journal dates back to when I was 8 years old. I think this is what birthed my passion for writing. Over the past few years I have fallen out of this routine, but having Ember has revived this practice. Every night I have been writing a sentence or two each about something Ember did that day – how she made my laugh, what she learned to do, or what she taught me.💕 • Tell me 5️⃣ things about YOU that i wouldn't know from insta! 👇🏻

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It could be that Audrey Roloff has missed her calling as she doe seem to take the most gorgeous pictures. The camera certainly seems to like her. Audrey and Jeremy Roloff are also seen together in many of her pictures on her social media accounts.

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For us, Sunday's are for time with Jesus and friends, rest, reading, walks, games, fires, and doing our weekly marriage journal! I know this post might seem ironic… but if I can just convince a few of you to unplug for the rest of the day, it's worth it! So I'm getting on here to tell you to GET OFF! Close this app and put your phone in a drawer if you have to! Stop scrolling, sharing, and spending and just be present. Make Sunday a day of REST💗 Comment below with an emoji that illustrates your ideal day of rest, and then CLOSE THIS APP and go do that thing! 👋🏻 Here’s mine: 🔥📚📓🍪 #beating50percent #themarriagejournal #journeyofjerandauj #navigatorscouncil

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Even Jeremy has some of the magazine-quality to his poses as well. They certainly know how to take a good picture. Instagram and the other social media pages might be your only connection to Audrey and Jeremy Roloff very soon. The couple is leaving Little People, Big World. Audrey recently explained why they’ve opted to get out of the limelight in a recent interview.

Audrey Roloff and Jeremy Roloff’s Last Season

It has taken a lot of getting used to for Audrey to have cameras with her everywhere she went. But Jeremy had been filming Little People, Big World for a while when they met. She did say that having cameras in her home became somewhat intrusive.

She explained how the crew just doesn’t come in and shoot, there’s a lot of preparation done to the home first. Book titles can’t be seen on camera so the books are all rearranged. A roll of masking-like tape is brought in and used to cover any type of logo on their clothing before they film the show.

Audrey said during that interview how she and Jeremy are just not made for the limelight. So they’ve opted out filming another season of Little People, Big World. Come back to Soap Dirt for all of the latest LPBW news!