‘My Big Fat Fabulous Life’: Whitney Thore’s Weight Loss Update

Whitney Thore from My Big Fat Fabulous Life tells fans how much weight she’s lost since the beginning of her show. But does the number matter to her?

My Big Fat Fabulous Life: Whitney Thore Doesn’t Focus on Weight

Whitney Thore has been sharing her life with viewers for nine seasons. However, the My Big Fat Fabulous Life reality star plans to continue to welcome fans into her world. She reveals that she will start filming for season ten at the end of the month.

Whitney gets a lot of questions asking about her weight loss journey. One person asks her how many pounds she has lost since her first season. Her show has documented her going to the gym and trying to drop weight. However, she clarifies that her show is “not a weight loss show.”

Whitney Thore reveals that she gets a lot of comments from viewers saying she is bigger than she’s ever been. However, the My Big Fat Fabulous Life celeb explains that she hasn’t put on pounds. She has actually “done nothing but lose weight” over the seasons.

Whitney Reveals How Much Weight She’s Lost

Whitney Thore says that in the first season of her reality television show, she was 385 pounds. However, she thinks her trainer, Will Powell, said she was 390 pounds. Yet, she doesn’t remember that happening. So, she goes with 385.

My Big Fat Fabulous Life: Whitney Thore

Whitney recently weighed herself, and she is now 309 pounds. So, the My Big Fat Fabulous Life cast member is down 76 pounds since the premiere of her show.

Whitney finds it interesting that people are asking about her weight loss journey. She doesn’t put too much thought into it. The number on the scale doesn’t matter to her. So, she finds it funny that other people do.

My Big Fat Fabulous Life Celeb Focuses on Health

Whitney Thore hasn’t always been on the larger side. Growing up, she was slim. However, she found out she has polycystic ovarian syndrome in her early twenties.

Weight gain is one of the symptoms of PCOS. So that is why she has always struggled with her weight. It also causes fertility issues and excess hair growth.

Whitney has been open about her battle with polycystic ovarian syndrome. The My Big Fat Fabulous Life celeb talks about her fertility issues and desire of wanting to be a mother. However, as she gets older, having a child only gets more challenging.

Whitney takes her health seriously, and even though she doesn’t consider her reality television show to be a weight loss show, she still talks about fitness.

She is the owner of No BS Active. She and her business partner, Jessica Powell, provide easy at-home workouts to their clients.

Since Whitney showcases her fitness business, fans are often curious about her weight and want to know how much she’s lost. But the TLC star doesn’t want to focus on the number. Instead, she wants to show what she does in her daily life.

Catch up with the top My Big Fat Fabulous Life inside scoop at Soap Dirt.