Why Jeff Probst Has a Mullet in Survivor Season 41

Survivor Season 41 fans are obsessed with Jeff Probst and his mullet in the 2021 season of the CBS show.

Survivor Season 41, Hair and Jeff Probst

While Survivor viewers are used to seeing the players grow their hair (and beards) long on the show, Jeff Probst has always remained fairly clean cut.

Jeff Probst - Survivor - CBS

Now, in the new season 41 of Survivor,  he has what many (including Jeff Probst himself) are calling a mullet.  Is a true mullet (business in the front and party in the back) hair style is also a matter of debate among fans. But one fact remains… Probst really rocks the long hair.

Survivor 2021 – Season 41 is Filled with Risks

The current Survivor 2021 season will be a shorter, but it seems that CBS will pack it with lots of emotional action according to Jeff Probst.

Players are going to have to make ruthless “Risk vs. Reward” decisions. It looks like it will be a game changer that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats.

Why Does Jeff Probst Have a Mullet? (It’s 2021 Dude)

Interestingly enough, when Jeff made his audition tape (20-years ago) to be the CBS Survivor host, he had a mullet. It looks like he has come full circle with his hair.

So, why does he have a mullet again? The answer is very simple. He explains that like most people he didn’t get his hair cut during the lockdowns.

Jeff also says that he’s very grateful to to still have a head full of thick hair, “so why not grow it?” he says. The Survivor host decided to keep the long hair and Jeff Probst even calls it a “mullet”.

Jeff Probst - Mullet - Survivor Season 41 - 2021


Then Probst says when he went to Fiji, there wasn’t anyone on location to cut it. While most other big budget shows have a full hair and makeup department, Survivor doesn’t have (or need) hair dressers.

So, this season we get to see the Survivor host Jeff Probst will a full mane of glorious hair that makes other men his age jealous.