90 Day Fiance Spoilers: Larissa Fights With Colt’s Mom Over Couch – Debbie Holds Purse Strings [VIDEO]

90 Day Fiance’s Larissa Christina and Debbie Johnson (Colt Johnson‘s mother) are shown feuding at a furniture store in a new spoiler video just released by TLC. Mom Debbie doesn’t want Colt’s money wasted but Larissa wants the sofa.

Here’s a look at who wears the pants in the relationship and whether Larissa Christina got the sofa that she wanted.

90 Day Fiance – Debbie Johnson Wants a Recliner Sofa

In the brand-new video from TLC, Colt Johnson’s two favorite women head to a furniture store looking for something to buy. As viewers saw on 90 Day Fiance, there’s not much in the living room except for two fluffy snowmen and a TV cabinet. To be fair, it sounds like Larissa is Christina is being very conscientious about Colt’s money.

The Brazilian babe tells the salesman that she wants something that “lookee fancy but cost less”. Then Larissa and Debbie plop on a comfy gray recliner sofa. Colt’s mom really seems to like this but Larissa doesn’t like the color. It’s gray and neutral but Larissa Christina wants something a bit more classy. There is a slot machine in the dining room, so…

Larissa Christina Wants a Leather Sofa

Next on the 90 Day Fiance promo (watch below), Larissa Christina spots a large leather couch that she likes. It’s got flip-down armrests and cup holders but sure looks comfortable. And it’s huge. Right away, Debbie Johnson takes exception to the couch her future daughter-in-law likes.

Debbie Johnson says they can’t have any leather furniture because of the cats. Then when Larissa waves off that concern, Debbie says that Colt has to look at it. Larissa disagrees and has a good argument for why they should choose. She reminds Debbie that Colt is gone to work most of the time and they will be the ones looking at it.

Larissa Upset – Debbie Holds Purse Strings

The 90 Day Fiance spoilers video shows a fight brewing between Colt’s fiance and mom. Usually, he’s there to mediate and calm them but the ladies are alone today and there’s trouble ahead! Debbie says that her son needs to “put his two cents in” because it’s his money. But Larissa thinks he’ll love it. Debbie laughs at her.

Then Larissa tells the TLC cameras that “Coltee dontee give me the credit card yet” but she says he told her that she can buy anything she wants if she’s with Debbie. That’s the problem. The sofa she wants is $1,299 which doesn’t seem too spendy but Debra says “nope” and shuts down Larissa. Since Colt’s mommy has the money, her say is final for now.

90 Day FIance: Debbie Johnson

90 Day Fiance: Larissa Says Colty Not Her Father

It’s clear to see from these 90 Day Fiance spoilers that Larissa Christina doesn’t like the control that Debbie Johnson has over her. Debbie’s excuse is that Colt might not like the couch. Larissa says, “We don’t need to act like Colty is our father” and adds “he just will be my husband”. Colt Johnson’s fiance thinks she should be able to be independent, buy what she wants and tell him later.

But Debbie says, “We can’t buy it unless he says okay”. Larissa pushes for the purchase again and says it will be a nice surprise for Colt Johnson. Debbie smirks, “he’ll be surprised all right”. You can watch the entire 90 Day Fiance promo below. You may recall from the season opener that Debbie and Colt both told Larissa they left the space empty so she could buy what she wants – but then Debbie shuts her down!

Debbie and Colt Have Mingled Finances – Too Close for Comfort?

In a reveal that should surprise no 90 Day Fiance fan, Debbie says she and Colt share accounts. It turns out Colt Johnson and his mama have a bank account they opened together when he was 14 that’s still going strong today. Debbie also says she and Colt have a joint credit card. Colt’s mother says she’s “responsible for his money and won’t spend it without his okay”.

It sounds like she’s being a good mom to Colt Johnson but maybe not such a good mother-in-law to Larissa. Colt told his fiance she could decorate as she wants – and Debbie said so too – but then she got turned down flat on a basic purchase. What do you think TLC fans? Should Larissa get her leather couch despite the cat concerns? Is Colt’s mom being too controlling?

Tune in to TLC Sunday nights to see what happens next with Colt Johnson, Larissa Christina, and his live-in mom Debbie Johnson.

Check Soap Dirt for the latest 90 Day Fiance spoilers and news.