’90 Day Fiance’: Olga Koshimbetova Can’t Wait to Meet American Cowboys – Watch out Steven

90 Day Fiance Olga Koshimbetova recently answered fan questions on Instagram. One of the things viewers are most curious about is when Olga, baby Alex, and Steven Frend will be in America. Steven Frend was recently in Russia. He hinted that he and his family would come to America soon. What did Olga Koshimbetova say to fans?

90 Day Fiance News: Olga Koshimbetova Shares Thoughts on Moving to the United States

Olga Koshimbetova shared a short clip on Instagram. In it, she’s with baby Alex. A 90 Day Fiance fan asked when Olga is coming to America. In addition, the fan also asked what’s the first thing she will do once she sets foot on American soil. Olga revealed that she wants to go to a Country music concert. She wants to “wear shoes, belt, and dance like country dance”.

It certainly sounds like she wants to go full-on cowgirl when it comes to getting decked out and seeing a live show. In addition, she wants to see real cowboys too. Most 90 Day Fiance fans want this to happen. Some commenters are already speculating on what Olga would look like wearing all the country bells and whistles. Some say she needs to get to Nashville, Tennessee right away.

90 Day Fiance: Olga Koshimbetova Instagram

90 Day Fiance: When Will Steven Frend, Olga, and Baby Alex Be In America?

In another recent IG update, Olga Koshimbetova addressed the Russia versus America debate. It seems some 90 Day Fiance followers wonder why she wants to say goodbye to her home country and leave it behind. There’s some things about Russia Olga appreciates. She said it’s a “beautiful big country with wonderful culture and nature.” She then said that there are a few reasons why it’s not for her.

One of the main reasons Olga would like to leave Russia is the cold. She said Russia has cold and rainy weather six months out of the year. The 90 Day Fiance Russian wants a climate that’s “warm and sunny”. She also hinted that she wants Steven to be comfortable with the language. Lastly, Olga said that it’s time for her to face something new and experience a new culture.

Olga Koshimbetova wrote: “When you leave the comfort zone, you face certain difficulties that will make you stronger.” She seems to be looking forward to the challenge of experiencing American culture. Most of all, though, she’s keeping her young family as the top priority. She believes that making the journey is the best thing for her, Steven, and baby Alex. The only question that remains is when they will take the plunge.

What’s Next for the Trio?

Steven Frend recently suffered a neck injury while tobogganing in Russia. Also, Steven put on a bit more weight. He said that being so thin and not keeping track of his eating habits was to blame for his moody behavior. He revealed that Olga pointed out how he looked after catching it in a snap with her camera.

In addition, Steven Frend hinted a while back that fans would be able to book photo sessions with Olga Koshimbetova once they come to America. In the meantime, 90 Day Fiance viewers continue to wait on an official confirmation from the family.

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