’90 Day Fiance’: Elizabeth Potthast’s Dad Freaks Over Pregnancy and Blames Andrei

90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After couple Elizabeth Potthast and Andrei Castravet are expecting a baby girl. But it seems not everyone is exactly thrilled about it. Elizabeth’s dad, Chuck Potthast, flat-out tells her it’s irresponsible. Certainly he’s not happy that Andrei came to America and “knocked her up”. And furthermore that he has no job and no plan. Elizabeth’s father is also allowing them to live rent free in one of his rental properties.

Chuck Potthast Calls Out Andrei Castravet for Knocking up His Daughter

The couple first appeared on 90 Day Fiance season 5. Elizabeth’s family were not supportive. They found Andrei Castravet domineering. Her Dad especially was not a fan. He questioned how Andrei Castravet would provide for his daughter. Tensions remain high between the two. Her dad often makes comments to Andrei about what he’s going to do to make money. And points out that her sisters all drive luxury cars and live in mansions.

In the current season of 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After things are even more complicated. Andrei Castravet and Elizabeth Potthast are expecting. And find out that it’s a baby girl. Elizabeth’s mom throws a gender reveal party. Her dad gets several digs in. Andrei tells him he plans to step up and take care of things. He has competed truck driving school but still has no job. Elizabeth Potthast’s dad is doubtful.

Over iced tea in a cafe Chuck tells his daughter Elizabeth how he really feels. That getting pregnant was irresponsible. Elizabeth Potthast asks him if this is about him or them. He points out that it does involve him since it seems like he is supporting them. Of course he give them a free house to live in. They complained that the apartment was too small for the growing family and two dogs.

90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After – The Grass Isn’t Greener For Elizabeth Potthast & Andrei

Elizabeth’ father feels disappointed. After all, he gave them a home rent free. He wants the home maintained. He doesn’t feel they are keeping up their end of the deal. The grass wasn’t cut the last time he checked. Elizabeth explains it was hot and rainy. He questions why they couldn’t spend 150 dollars on a lawn mower. She says it would be that or groceries for the week. It certainly sounds like they are on a tight budget.

On 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After, Elizabeth Potthast’s father is frustrated with Andrei and Elizabeth. Elizabeth is also frustrated at her dads guilt tripping and trying to dictate their every move. Seems like her whole family doesn’t like Andrei. Hence, her sisters are always putting him down. In the sit down with her dad, Elizabeth Potthast certainly comes off as defensive. Previews from the season show Andrei Castravet erupting at her in a car and her telling him to shut up.

It seems time will tell if this family can put aside their differences. Moreover on a brighter note Elizabeth and Andrei delivered a baby girl Eleanor Louise Castravet in January. Tune into 90 day Fiance: Happily Ever After on TLC Sunday nights to follow their journey.

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