‘1000-lb Sisters’: Chris Combs Weight Loss Update 2022 – He’s So Thin Now!

1000-lb Sisters star Chris Combs struggled for weight loss surgery approval. But once he got it, he dropped a lot of weight after his operation. Now, he stunned fans with how much weight he lost in 2022.

1000-lb Sisters: Chris Combs Reveals Starting Weight

Chris Combs shared pictures of himself before he started his weight loss journey. At the start of filming, this TLC celeb says he was “40 pounds” away from the maximum weight he’s ever had.

This was while he worked at Mcdonald’s. However, the 1000-lb Sisters brother claims to have always struggled with his size. While he filmed the TLC hit show, Chris talked about why he wanted to get healthy. He said he wanted to be a better role model for his daughter.

Chris said he worries his daughter will struggle with her weight as he has. So, he wanted to do better and show her how to live a healthy lifestyle.

Plus, Chris said he wanted to keep up with his wife. Yet, he claimed to do simple tasks like putting on his shoes while he was at his highest weight. So, he went on to pursue weight loss surgery in hopes of shedding pounds.

TLC Star’s Weight Loss Progress Stalled

Chris Combs got his weight loss surgery before 1000-lb Sisters celebrity Tammy Slaton was able to be approved for her own. While that caused rifts in the family, Chris continued to chase after his goal. But he hit a stall when he got sick with COVID-19.

However, he continued to push to get healthy and drop the pounds. Plus, he got emergency surgery on his leg that left him unable to work out for a few months. And that was another issue.

By the end of 1000-lb Sisters Season 3, Chris lost 140 pounds. Even better, he said he no longer has to use any insulin medications to help manage his diabetes.

He even accomplished one of his big life goals — fitting inside the harness for an amusement park ride. After Chris hit this milestone, he’s thrilled. And he plans to slim down even further.

1000-lb Sisters: Major Success for Chris Combs – Before & After Photo

Now that it’s been a year since 1000-lb Sisters star Chris Combs got his surgery, he’s looking better than ever. In the most recent update, Chris celebrated his daughter’s graduation.

He stood wearing a plaid button-up and jeans while he wrapped his arm around his daughter. On the left, you can see him before he had his bariatric surgery.

1000-lb Sisters: Chris Combs Before and After

Many fans think it looks like he’s lost more than 100 pounds. It looks like he’s half the man he was before. But, the brother of the 1000-lb Sisters can’t update how much he’s dropped. He says that’s until Season 4 debuts.

Many fans are happy with all of the progress Chris Combs has made throughout his journey. And fans cheer to know TLC’s filming another season.

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