‘Unexpected’: McKayla Adkins Begs for Medical Help

McKayla Adkins from Unexpected is begging for medical help. She is dealing with issues after the removal of her fallopian tubes. Will she get another surgery to help with the pain?

Unexpected: McKayla Adkins Gets Procedure to Prevent Pregnancy

McKayla Adkins welcomed her third baby last year. She gave birth to a baby boy. Her first two pregnancies were filmed on TLC’s show. However, the third time around, she has been keeping the details about baby #3 a secret. Fans don’t know what he looks like or what his name is.

The Unexpected reality star is now running around caring for three children. And it isn’t always easy. So, she has decided that she doesn’t want any more children. She even took steps to ensure she won’t get pregnant again.

Unexpected: McKayla Adkins
McKayla Adkins | Instagram

Last year, McKayla got her fallopian tubes removed. She knew it was the right decision for her. She even got her doctor’s full support. But dealing with the aftermath of the surgery was a struggle.

McKayla Struggles with Recovery

McKayla was happy after removing her tubes. However, it was a weird feeling for her to know that she could never have kids again. She knew it was a big decision to make. Yet, she is open to adopting one day if she wishes to.

However, the Unexpected mother revealed that recovery wasn’t easy. She saw a lot of changes in her body. Her periods became “more painful” than they were before. She also found herself dealing with more cramps than usual.

Unexpected: McKayla Adkins
TLC Unexpected | Instagram

McKayla’s incisions were also causing her problems. She explained that they were itchy. She even felt weird, sharp pains at times in that area. But, it seems like she is still dealing with the aftermath of the surgery. And she is begging fans for some medical help.

Unexpected Celeb Seeking Medical Advice

McKayla Adkins shared that she developed ovarian cysts after her fallopian tube removal procedure. The pain she is feeling is “debilitating.” She explained that she has seen doctors, gone to the hospital multiple times, and got an ultrasound done. She has also used heating pads and taken prescribed pain medication.

The Unexpected former cast member felt she was begging medical professionals for help. But, all she was told was, “You just gotta get through it.” However, it is hard to deal with when the pain is constant throughout the month and not just when she is on her period.

McKayla is in agony. So, she asked fans if anyone had any advice or home remedies. Many people suggested that she gets a hysterectomy. The surgery removes a woman’s uterus. Yet, she can’t get pregnant and will no longer menstruate.

The TLC celeb doesn’t want to get this surgery. She explained that she could then have to deal with other issues she doesn’t want to deal with. It is not something she is willing to put her body through. She would rather deal with the pain. So, will she be able to find some relief?

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