‘Mountain Men’ Season 7: Eustace Conway Buys a Truck – Trades Lumber for Tires

Mountain Men Season 7 Episode 3 shows Eustace Conway buying a truck. The History Channel show aired a clip of Eustace’s former truck getting totaled as it rolled down a hill and crashed.  It’s a shame, because his old truck ran on burning wood and not gas. Eustance Conway needs a new truck, or at least a good used truck.

Truck Shopping at the Junkyard with Eustace Conway

In the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina, Eustace Conway is worried about his struggling lumber business. Losing Preston Roberts suddenly is hard and going without a truck makes it doubly difficult. Eustace is looking for a cheap truck he can rehab for less than $800.

Eustance Conway wanders around kicking tires and finds a flatbed truck with potential. Eustace Conway tries to turn over the engine, and it coughs to life. He decides to tell Dean that he’ll take it. Dean says he needs $1,000 and Eustace says that is rough with no seat or tires.

Dean says it’s got a lift bed and Eustace agrees that would make it worth the price. Eustance Conway decides to offer Dean some lumber for the parts he needs – the seat and tires. They head to look around the junkyard for one-ton tires for the dually truck.

No Tires, No Floorboard, No Problem – Eustace Trades Lumber for Tires

They get a seat into the beater, and Eustance Conway says he’s excited since the motor sounds strong. There’s no floorboard in the truck so he measures it and looks for something to cover the opening. He finds a barrel top that he shapes and shaves down to better fit the space under his left foot.

With that fixed, Eustace tops off his fluids then heads off to load some lumber for Dean. Eustace says he hopes he sounds that good when he’s that old. Back at the junkyard, Eustace has lumber for Dean. His friend is excited about the high-quality oak. They shake on a trade well done. Eustance Conway says he’s in love with the truck.





If you missed the start of the season, check out Mountain Men Season 7, First Episode ‘Time and Tide’ that aired on Thursday, July 19.

Check in again with Soap Dirt for more Mountain Men recaps and updates.