My Big Fat Fabulous Life: Whitney Thore’s Story Coming to an End?

Whitney Thore from My Big Fat Fabulous Life has fans thinking that her story is coming to an end. After several seasons, people feel there might be nothing else for her to share. Should the show come to an end?

My Big Fat Fabulous Life: Whitney Thore Shares Life with Fans

Whitney Thore has shared her life with millions of viewers over the past several years. She has been through many ups and downs over the seasons. Fans were there to witness her highs, like starting No BS Active. However, fans were also there to witness her lows, like her mother, Babs Thore, passing away.

Many My Big Fat Fabulous Life fans feel that there may not be anything more for her to share. These fans are questioning the future of the show. Some people think the season they are filming will be the last. At the same time, some people feel that they would continue to watch the show if they took it in a different direction.

Fans Want Whitney’s Show Off Air

Whitney has spoken about her future on reality television. She admits that there will come a day when she doesn’t want to film anymore. However, the money is one of the reasons why she does it. Yet, she didn’t say when she plans to quit the show.

My Big Fat Fabulous Life: Whitney Thore
Whitney Thore | Instagram

Some of My Big Fat Fabulous Life fans feel that the show needs to be canceled. One person says that it “ran its course.” Another person thinks that Whitney’s “story has played out.” A person is even “tired of the lies and made-up stories.” One person also believes that her “poor behavior” on the show is her way of trying to keep the show going.

Some people will love to see a spin-off with Whitney’s dad, Glenn Thore, and his Alabama family. One person feels that he looks happier when his daughter isn’t around. Another person thinks that he will have a lot of fun with his long-lost daughter and her family.

My Big Fat Fabulous Life: Whitney Thore
My Big Fat Fabulous Life | Instagram

Will There Be More Seasons of My Big Fat Fabulous Life?

Whitney Thore’s friends have been on the show with her from the beginning. However, fans have seen less of them on the show over the years. Her good friend, Heather Sykes, was missing during the last season. And, now it seems like her other good friend, Ashley Baynes, could be skipping out on the upcoming season. Some people feel “it is sad” that the TLC celeb is dropping her friends and replacing them with her Alabama family.

However, not every My Big Fat Fabulous Life fan wants the show to end. One person says they will continue to watch it “if it was about her maintaining a healthier weight.” Another person says they will watch new seasons if Whitney goes “back to her big girls’ dance class days.” So, will this be the end of the TLC show — or will taking it in another direction save it?

Keep an eye on Soap Dirt for the best My Big Fat Fabulous Life news.