‘My Big Fat Fabulous Life’: Whitney Thore & Buddy Bell Ignore COVID Risk to Get Matching Tattoos

My Big Fat Fabulous Life‘s Whitney Thore is extremely concerned about getting COVID. But it seems like she thought a Buddy Bell matching tattoo was enough to brave what could happen.

My Big Fat Fabulous Life: Whitney Thore Wants a Tattoo with Buddy Bell

Whitney Thore and Buddy Bell already have one matching tattoo. Fans of My Big Fat Fabulous Life didn’t think she would get another one with Buddy Bell—especially during a pandemic. Whitney has been very vocal about her concerns during this difficult time.

In fact, Whitney of MBFFL won’t let anyone get near her without a mask except Buddy. And if they hang out with a lot of people, she still doesn’t want them around. She says the doctors told her she was someone in the high-risk category due to her weight.

My Big Fat Fabulous Life stars Buddy Bell, and Whitney Thore didn’t feel any safety concerns about COVID. And so far, it doesn’t seem like they got the virus due to their new art. But that lead fans to the second question of why they would want to get the tattoo they got.

My Big Fat Fabulous Life: Whitney Thore - Buddy Bell

Whitney & Buddy ask Heather to Get the Tattoo with Them

My Big Fat Fabulous Life star Whitney asked Heather Sykes if she would want to get a “threesome tattoo” with her and Buddy Bell. Heather was not interested and thought the whole idea wasn’t good. As a matter of fact, she said that Buddy and Whitney would have a hard time finding love as long as they were that close.

Whitney explained that they wanted to get the goose tattoo because of a cartoon they saw. Buddy and her both thought it was pretty cute, and they both wanted to get ink. So they decided they would go ahead and go for it.

Heather used to date Buddy Bell, and Whitney Thore got in the sack with him one or two times. So, it was a very weird conversation to have. And some viewers of My Big Fat Fabulous Life have said it was insensitive to Heather.

My Big Fat Fabulous Life: Whitney Thore - Buddy Bell

My Big Fat Fabulous Life: Keeping the Friendships Going

Whitney Thore had a hard time keeping her friendship with her Greensboro crew going. She even asked Buddy if he wanted to move in with her in Charlotte so she could have someone around. At first, he said yes, but then he changed his mind.

Now both he and Whitney are back living in Greensboro. Buddy Bell has a sweet new girlfriend that he lives with. And Whitney is doing life solo and focusing on her business.

Viewers noticed that Buddy wasn’t with Heather Sykes, Tal Fish, and Whitney Thore for New Years’ Eve. But many TLC viewers said it was probably just because of the curfew. And because he was spending time with his girlfriend.

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