‘My 600-lb Life’: Steven Assanti Yells at Fans Over Lone Tooth

My 600-lb Life alum Steven Assanti just can’t seem to stay out of the spotlight. This time he seems to be yelling at fans over his appearance.

My 600-lb Life: Steven Assanti is Large and In Charge

My 600-lb Life star Steven Assanti is known best for his not-so-boyish charm. He is way over 600 pounds, and that’s exactly why he was perfect for TLC to pull him in. But his terrible attitude and inability to care about anyone other than himself may have gotten him known as one of the most recognizable people from the show.

His father unwillingly played into this by sending him pizza whenever he asked and paying for all his stuff. Many people blame him for the way Steven acts, but his father tells fans if he doesn’t do what Steven says, things get bad. He says his son gets what he wants. Fans have noticed that it might be more than the pizza he wants. People have pointed out that it seems like Steven might have a serious drug problem.

My 600-lb Life: Steven Assanti

Blame it on the Pain Pills

My 600-lb Life personality Steven Assanti admits to his drug problem in a where are there now episode of the show. Steven has managed to rack up three more episodes after his two-part feature due to fans not getting enough. He is seen complaining about leg pain and smirking when he finally gets his dose of addiction. Some fans are not sure why his nurse, who is clearly aware of what’s happening, is not saying anything. Perhaps it’s the same situation his father was in.

Steven says that he’s been to rehab for his addiction, but some people are saying that it did not take. He has acted erratically for the past few years showing that he might be under the influence again. He’s been doing everything from yelling at fans to eating bloody bodily secretions. Not to mention he’s been losing multiple teeth.

My 600-lb Life: Steven Assanti

My 600-lb Life: Steven Assanti Rages

Steven Assanti from My 600-lb Life has been silent on social media for a few days but has come back in a big way. His usual video of him dancing naked and crying on camera was pushed aside for another favorite he likes to make. He posted a video yelling at fans over his lonely front tooth. One of his favorite things to do is to zoom in on his gummy single tooth smile.

Fans, however, are asking him when is he eventually going to brush his teeth? His outrageous response? He tells his fans to shut up in not as nice words. He ends the video with his mouth wide so you can see all his gummy glory and calls his fans a terrible name.

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