‘Little People, Big World’: Amy Roloff’s Valentine’s Day Wrecked

Little People, Big World‘s Amy Roloff had big plans for her Valentine’s Day with Chris Marek. But she said that recent developments dashed their plans for the special day.

Little People, Big World: Amy Roloff Talks about Valentine’s Day Plans

Amy Roloff of LPBW said she and Chris Marek planned a great Valentine’s Day trip. But that the massive storm caused some serious problems so they couldn’t go. Their original plan was to head to Idaho, but the ice and snowstorm that hit Portland stopped everything.

Little People, Big World mom Amy said they had to find a plan B because they couldn’t hit the road. Even though the storm wrecked their plans, Amy Roloff said she ended up having a great time. And that their backup plan was just as good and enjoyable as their original plan.

Amy Roloff pointed out that this was Chris and her 5th Valentine’s Day together. And that this would be their last as single people because the wedding is coming up in the coming months. Little People, Big World star Amy said she didn’t know where the time went because it seemed so fast.

Little People, Big World: Amy Roloff

Amy Roloff Proclaims Her Love

Little People, Big World fans said it was adorable how Amy Roloff loved on Chris Marek. She said that she loves him so much and that they had a simple and amazing weekend. They put together a puzzle and opened their gifts and cards from each other.

Amy Roloff of Little People, Big World said she also made a dessert favorite of his—cherry pie. She also made dark chocolate truffles, steak, and baked potatoes. Amy said they held hands and went down memory lane.

She said she was glad to be on this adventurous journey with him. Little People, Big World daughter-in-law Audrey Roloff chimed in to show some love for Amy’s pie-making abilities. And TLC fans said they were glad they were safe and had a good time for the holiday.

Little People, Big World: Amy Roloff - Chris Marek

Little People, Big World: Dealing with the Cold

As the country deals with a major winter storm, Amy did her best to stay warm. She did say that it looks like a winter wonderland in her neighborhood. But that it is icy and dangerous as well, so she is as careful as possible.

Little People, Big World grandma Amy Roloff has been inside hiding from the snow. But her son, Zach Roloff, and his family have been out enjoying the winter fun. Some viewers said they were surprised they didn’t see Amy going over and sledding with the grandbabies.

As of right now, everyone still seems to have power where they are. But the winter storm caught many people off-guard due to how serious it is. Fans wished them well and said to stay safe and warm throughout this difficult winter weather.

Catch up with Little People, Big World on Soap Dirt.