‘Life After Lockup’ Spoilers: Chazz Finds Out Branwin is an Escort (Again)?

Life After Lockup spoilers show, Chazz Harbison realizes that his marriage to Love After Lockup star Branwin Jones will never be what he hoped it would.

The couple’s marriage appeared doomed from the start. No matter how he tried or how patient and understanding he was with her, there was always something a bit off.

Life After Lockup Spoilers: Chazz Harbison & Branwin Jones Finally Do The Deed

Branwin Jones held out on having sex with her husband Chazz Harbison for months after marriage.

Try as he might, the Life After Lockup celeb couldn’t convince his wife to consummate their marriage in bed.

She suffered one panic attack after another when she was with him. And always, whenever he would attempt to get his wife into bed with him.

However, after months of waiting and trying to figure her out, they end up (as Chazz describes it as) “doing the dirty”. Chad was over the moon following their encounter.

He even wanted to change his travel plans and stay the entire week with Jones afterward. But, she quickly shuts down her husband’s plans and is unhappy about it.

WETv’s Jones Pushed Harbison Away, Again

Life After Lockup viewers noticed that Chazz came on pretty strong after they spent some time in bed together. He wanted to stay the entire week.

However, when he mentions his plans to his wife, she begins to panic and shuts him down immediately. Then, just as he started getting into it, her phone rang.

She tells her husband it is her parole officer and she must take the call. However, she walks far away from Chazz to talk. Branwin is not on the phone with her PO but with a mystery man she seems oddly familiar with.

Her husband tells her he wants to see her, and she agrees. When she returns, she has a different tone, which her husband finds a bit suspect. The two have it out, and he loses his patience and begins to cry.

He tells his wife he feels she is constantly pushing him away and doesn’t know if he can continue taking it much longer. Ultimately, she does some fast talking, makes a few excuses, and sends him on his way.

Love After Lockup: Chazz Discovers Branwin’s Secret Life

Things will get crazy for the Love after Lockup spouses Branwin and Chazz. The WEtv Life After Lockup trailer reveals that she is living a secret life.

Chazz is about to discover that she might have returned to her old ways. Chazz is reportedly contacted by someone who informed him of his wife’s activities. He finds the ad on the computer that seems to show she is working as an escort again.

He does not take this news well, and things between the pair are about to explode. The video clip only gives a brief look into what is to come for the Love After Lockup couple.

However, it has been reported that Branwin’s photos, and the escort ads are very revealing. They allege she works under the alias Bailee Bane and charges $140 for half an hour and $270 for the full 60 minutes.

The ad also includes a list of available activities and options she reportedly offers. Things do not look too good for the couple’s relationship.

Do you find this information about Branwin shocking? Most Life After Lockup viewers says they are not surprised at all. They also state that it was obvious all along that Jones was only using Harbison. Fans also note they hope Chazz Harbison will man up and end things with Jones.

Check with Soap Dirt for the latest Love After Lockup news.