Brooke Logan a Terrible Mom on Bold and the Beautiful? Here’s Why…

On The Bold and the Beautiful, Brooke Logan (Katherine Kelly Lang) listens to her daughter but then advises her to step back into old patterns that make her life worse. She’s giving some really bad parenting advice lately. But is this a one-off or is she simply not a good mom on B&B?

Brooke Logan an Awful Mom on Bold and the Beautiful?

In our newest B&B video, we take a look at Brooke Logan’s recent actions – and those from her past. Recently, Hope Logan (Annika Noelle) lays out the myriad reasons why her shattered marriage is a blessing in disguise.

On Bold and the Beautiful, Brooke listens intently, her nods of understanding echoing understanding. And then, she turns on a dime and Brooke gives her daughter the terrible advice to stick to a waffling guy who also wants another woman. Sound familiar?

Basically, on the CBS soap, Brooke tells Hope to accept less than her rightful due. And that frustrates fans of B&B. It’s a question that looms every time we see this conversation. And let’s be clear – this conversation is on constant repeat!

On Bold and the Beautiful, does Brooke Logan’s conduct border on that of a misguided mother? Is she just a bad mom for this and other reasons? Watch the B&B video below to see us make a case for this assertion. And we invite your comments if you do NOT agree!

Hope & Bridget’s Mom Doing them a Disservice on B&B on CBS?

In the Bold and the Beautiful video, we talk about Hope’s journey and that of her sister Bridget Forrester (Ashley Jones) in terms of their mother. We’ll remind you of some sketchy incidences from the past that call her mom abilities into question.

Then, the spotlight falls upon you — please share your thoughts about Brooke Logan and her mothering skills. After you watch on YouTube, post your comments — agree or disagree. If you disagree, try and change our minds!

Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel so you don’t miss and Bold and the Beautiful updates. And come back to Soap Dirt often for more spoilers, casting news and more!