Fans Hope Steffy Forrester Has Double DNA Drama on Bold and the Beautiful

Believe it or not, many Bold and the Beautiful fans still debate the paternity of Steffy Forrester’s two children. There’s a faction of B&B viewers who’d love to see DNA daddy drama and for the paternity of at least one kid to swap to another man.

Steffy Forrester Faced 2 Paternity Tests on Bold and the Beautiful

Both times that Steffy Forrester (Jacqueline MacInnes Wood) got pregnant recently, she had to march to her OB/GYN and ask for a paternity test. One time was bad enough — but then she had to go with her next pregnancy too!

That was for both Hayes Forrester Finnegan and Kelly Spencer. Bold and the Beautiful occasionally does paternity swaps, but not too often. But still, many viewers hope that they’ll change who’s the biological father of one (or both) of her children.

On B&B, Steffy appears to be at a crossroads, as she moved out on her husband Finn (Tanner Novlan) when he defends Sheila Carter (Kimberlin Brown) to her. So, she left and run to granddad’s. And Liam Spencer (Scott Clifton) came right behind her.

Will They Change the Daddy of Kelly or Hayes on B&B?

Bold and the Beautiful fans question whether Liam is really Kelly’s biological father and in the above video, we show some hints that someone may have tampered with her paternity test. Remember, it might’ve been Bill Spencer’s (Don Diamont) daughter.

Then, similar issues surround the paternity of Hayes Finnegan who could’ve been either Liam or Finn’s son. Recall she’d been with both just before she found out she was pregnant.

Are you one who’d like to see a twist in Steffy Forrester’s life? Do you want a change of who’s the other parents of her kids on Bold & Beautiful? Watch and see the clues.

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