‘Bold and the Beautiful’ Spoilers: Zoe Searches for Way to Save Reese and Reveal Baby Truth

Bold and the Beautiful spoilers hint Hope Logan (Annika Noelle) soon learns her baby is still alive, which means Reese Buckingham (Wayne Brady) has one foot in prison – right? Well, think again. It looks like his daughter Zoe Buckingham (Kiara Barnes) may come to his rescue while still helping Hope.

The B&B apple didn’t fall too far from the tree when it comes to Reese’s daughter. Yes, Zoe Buckingham demonstrated a few of her dad’s traits in the past. She’s the one who wants to blow the whistle and tell Hope Logan the truth. But her love for her father stands in the way.

Spilling the truth means Reese Buckingham faces a long prison term. Not only will her father face arrest but Florence Fulton (Katrina Bowden) would as well. But not telling Hope the truth is also awful.

Bold and the Beautiful Spoilers: Zoe Buckingham Concocts a Win-Win Ploy?

In the eyes of the law, Reese Buckingham kidnapped Hope Logan’s baby and embarked on a black-market adoption scheme. You don’t need B&B spoilers to tell you this isn’t a “slap on the wrist” offense.

Zoe Buckingham will not let Hope Logan go on thinking her baby is dead. But the stake of coming clean is horrendous for her father. So it looks like another tale may spin, this time with the help of Zoe on Bold and the Beautiful.

B&B Plea From Reese – Don’t Send Me to Prison…

On Monday’s Bold and the Beautiful episode Zoe Buckingham looked rattled over the baby adoption. Furthermore, Reese Buckingham tells his daughter he doesn’t want to go to prison. Then Zoe storms out of Reese’s apartment in a furious state.

On the way out the door, this irate daughter tells her father that she doesn’t know if she can stay quiet. Then Zoe went to see Steffy Forrester (Jacqueline MacInnes Wood) with Xander Avant (Adain Bradley) in tow to blab that she adopted Hope Logan’s child.

Bold and the Beautiful Spoilers: Reese Buckingham Secret Still Safe

What Zoe Buckingham thinks she will find there is unknown. But as of Monday’s B&B episode, she’s still keeping her father’s secret. Although she tells Steffy she’s there to talk about Hope Logan’s little girl Beth (Rosalind Aune and Isabella de Armas).

It appears the story is not yet ripe for the baby switch reveal. Even though Zoe’s visit to Steffy made it seem it was all over she probably can’t go through with it because it would seal her father’s fate on Bold and the Beautiful.

Zoe Determined – Hope Logan Will Get Her Baby Back

Zoe doesn’t like Reese Buckingham’s deceptive ways but she is like her dad in some ways. Her attempt to reclaim Xander when she came to LA showed how manipulative she can be. So, Bold and the Beautiful fans know Zoe Buckingham brings a few tricks of her own to the table.

The problem – Zoe wants Hope to know the truth about Beth. But she’s not ready to ruin her father’s life with that truth. There’s one solution to this where both Hope and Reese walk away happy. And while Reese Buckingham will still field some anger from all the people in Hope Logan’s circle, he wouldn’t go to prison on B&B.

Zoe, Reese, and Flo Fulton Spin Even Bigger Web of Deceit

Zoe’s no dummy. So, she may very well concoct a lie to explain things. The story could be that he mistakenly switched the babies. It happens in big hospitals occasionally, so why not on Bold and the Beautiful? Hope Logan gave birth on a night a storm wreaked havoc on Catalina Island. Resulting in Reese Buckingham being the only person left to deliver not one, but two babies in that hospital. Plus, there was a blackout.

If Zoe works with Reese and Florence to spin a tale of babies mixed up, it just might work for most involved. Sure, if this is the case, Hope Logan and her hubby will be upset but thrilled. So, he probably won’t face prison for a “mistake” made under such horrible circumstances that night on B&B.

It would be great for everyone – except Steffy, of course, who would lose her baby daughter Phoebe.

Come back to Soap Dirt often for all your breaking Bold and the Beautiful spoilers.