‘My Big Fat Fabulous Life’: Whitney Thore Feels ‘Attractive’ with a Beard

My Big Fat Fabulous Life’s Whitney Thore said she felt like she was “attractive” with a beard. She kept looking at herself with a full beard and seemed to like what she saw.

My Big Fat Fabulous Life: A Full Beard for Whitney Thore

Whitney Thore of My Big Fat Fabulous life had a good laugh over facial hair recently. She put a filter on her phone, and it gave her a full beard. Whitney kept looking at herself and moving her head.

MBFFL star Whitney said that she surprisingly thought she looked very attractive with the beard. Fans said she was really funny, and some even agreed that the beard looked great on her. Not long ago, Whitney Thore did a mustache filter, but she didn’t say anything about it looking good.

Viewers of My Big Fat Fabulous Life said Whitney could pull off anything she wants. And it seems like Whitney Thore’s confidence is at an all-time high. Despite a couple of setbacks, she is moving ahead confidently.

My Big Fat Fabulous Life: Whitney Thore

Whitney Bugs Out Over Buddy Bell

Despite how sexy she felt with her fake beard, it does seem like she has a few challenges. She and Buddy renewed their marriage pact vows, and the day after he got a girlfriend. Whitney of My Big Fat Fabulous Life said she isn’t upset about it, but she does seem bummed.

In fact, Whitney said she was getting “fewer sandwiches” from Buddy now that he has a girlfriend. And Whitney Thore’s friend Ashley thinks that there is something more going on there than friendship. This is especially true after she referred to Buddy Bell as her quarantine husband.

TLC’s Whitney claimed that the news just surprised her because she didn’t know Buddy was dating. But her words didn’t convince Ashley, especially after they held hands coming down a hill to come to the lake. As a matter of fact, she said that “friends don’t act like that.”

My Big Fat Fabulous Life: Buddy Bell - Whitney Thore

My Big Fat Fabulous Life: Making the Most of Life

Whitney Thore of My Big Fat Fabulous Life stayed home a lot during the quarantine. But, it seems she did get out a few times to hang out with her pals. Despite the pandemic, she couldn’t stay away from the people she loves, but she did make sure to wear a mask.

In real-time, Whitney recently moved back to her hometown of Greensboro. She is back in the house that she owns, and she’s enjoying her time making workout videos with her new business partner, Jessica Powell. When she’s not making videos for No BS Active, she spends time outdoors occasionally. But she said most of the time—she’s home.

Fans were glad to hear that Whitney Thore of My Big Fat Fabulous Life moved back home. And it seems like she is in much better spirits than she was right after her breakup with Chase Severino.

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