‘Married At First Sight’ Recap: Amani Annoyed with Woody’s Lip Smacking Good Croissant

Married At First Sight recap for this week showsWoody Randall broke his vow to Amani not to smack his food with a yummy croissant. Amelia Fatsi was cool with Bennett Kirschner‘s mustard color sleep dress. Miles Alexander made sure new bride Karen was tucked in and comfy for their first night. Olivia has some rules but Brett’s been on his best behavior so far. And Christina reminds us several times that she’s a world traveler and Henry Rodriguez is not. Get snug in your sleep dress and let’s talk about season 11 episode 5 “What Happened Last Night”. You can watch MAFS Wednesdays at 8 on Lifetime.

Married At First Sight Recap: The Morning After for Bennett Kirschner & Amelia Fatsi

The Married At First Sight just married couples survived night one in their hotel rooms. This episode was called What Happened Last Night and the answer is nothing. Everybody stayed on their side of the bed it seems. Bennett Kirschner sleeps in a dress. This was fine with wife Amelia Fatsi who prefers a plaid onesie. Henry Rodriguez seemed a little unsure of what the heck he is even doing there. And you can tell he wanted to unpack his clothes into the dresser drawers in the room.

Olivia did not want Brett’s suitcase on the bed as this brings germs in. She’s going to be a real pip during Covid-19. Karen is about to crash in her wedding dress. Woody Randall and Amani pay them a visit since the guys are best friends. Miles Alexander makes sure Karen has her nightly cough drop and literally falls asleep at her feet. Although he says later he helped her get changed into her PJ’s on Married At First Sight.

In the morning everybody seems pretty happy on Married At First Sight. Olivia can’t wait to tell Henry all the places she’s been that he hasn’t. A great drinking game for this episode would be to do a shot every time Olivia says she’s traveled worldwide. And do another shot every time she reminds Henry he hasn’t. Henry shoots back with the fact that he has traveled to Northern Virginia. So there. Woody Randall smacks his breakfast croissant. And this is a big no for new wife Amani who says it can’t be that good.

New Spouses Brunch With Their MAFS In-Laws

In-laws can be bad enough. But it’s even worse when the only time you met them was at your wedding. And now you have to make small talk over eggs Benedict. Let’s hope there is at least some bloody Marys or mimosas on hand. First up is Miles Alexander and Karen’s mom and sisters. Her dad still isn’t down with the Married At First Sight commitment. Miles does pretty good. Even Mama Karen says she won him over.

Things are a little weirder on Married At First Sight for Karen when Mile’s mom asks how she is with submission. And then explains not the S&M kind. Father Miles stresses again that his son is a mama’s boy. And he wasn’t lying. Mama Miles admits to her overbearing parenting and even suggest if she can’t make him happy she bring him back to her. Awkward all around there mama. And even his dad seems to think so.

Things go better for Amelia Fatsi and Bennett. Amelia’s mom thinks they fit like puzzle pieces. But does ask if he’s willing to move for her medical residency. Bennett Kirschner says sure if he has come to adore her by then. Bennett’s family is equally enamored of Amelia Fatsi.

Although Bennett’s sister seems eager to let Amelia know that Bennett finds having biological children unethical and immoral. This is news of course to Amelia. But she says it’s something they’ll need to discuss more on Married At First Sight.

The Married At First Sight Couples Get The Scoop From Family

Olivia meets up with the brothers Brett. Who have the mistaken notion that they are like the Baldwins or something. Maybe in the bizarro world guys. They readily admit to stalking Olivia online and even hearing from her co-workers. Like what? Stay in your lane bros that’s just creepy. They give her a thumbs up and want to know about kids. She says she’s pretty indifferent. But again she’s not completely against it.

On Married At First Sight Olivia’s mom, dad and stepdad sit down with Brett. Right off the bat, Olivia’s dad brings up religion. Olivia was born into Christianity. Brett really does step up here and tell the truth. Which is that he really doesn’t practice any organized religion but he’s okay with the values that come with it. So, he’s cool as long as his cat is raised with the freedom to choose his own spiritual path and nothing is forced on them. Brett’s grade from the family Olivia? IMO a solid B.

Grandma Knows Best On MAFS

Amani sits down with Woody Randall’s fam and grandma is on the defense. Especially when Amani says he smacked a croissant. Grandma has seen him starving and he has never once smacked a damn thing in his mouth. It slips from his mom that he has a hot temper and this is also a little problem for Amani. Grandma is really running the zone here and says living with Woody is “smooth”. But Amani is concerned on Married At First Sight.

Woody Randall chats with Amani’s dad, stepdad and mom over breakfast. They want to know about his past and he admits he was in a long term relationship that ended because they both cheated. Crickets. In the end Woody does a good job of convincing them he’s ready to settle down and has really grown up and moved on. They seem to believe him so it’s all good so far for Woody and Amani.

On Married At First Sight Christina is comfortable with Henry’s family. Especially his dad who lives to roast his son. She also can’t wait to brag to them about her status as a world traveler and the perks of being a flight attendant. Henry struggles a little more. He is a man of not only few trips but few words. But he does learn that Christina is a fan of gumbo and tends to get a little hangry now and then.

Married at First Sight Recap: The Mexican Honeymoon Begins

The couples receive cheesy baskets to let them know they are honeymooning in Mexico. Christina wastes no time reminding Henry that she’s traveled to Mexico millions of times and he hasn’t. If you’ve been playing the drinking game you could be in serious trouble by now. After seeing everybody pack up they head to the airport and take a group selfie. Then it’s off to the MAFS honeymoon.

The resort is beautiful for the Married At First Sight newlywedsAs everyone settles in Christina prepares shots of Mezcal while reminding Henry that this is his first time in another country. Miles is pleased to learn that Karen likes to eat. Amelia and Bennett Kirschner love their room and can’t wait to have fun. Woody Randall and his bride Amani are game for whatever Mexico has to offer. So till next week MAFS fans!

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