Doctor Oz Special: Licked By Dog Amputation and Death – Bacteria in Saliva of Up to 74% Dogs

Doctor Oz caught the attention of the nation with his special on deadly dog licks which aired Friday, September 21. This is man’s best friend Dr. Oz is talking about in this special on the danger of a dog licking you. Since dogs are in many homes across the nation, people are concerned.

Doctor Oz – Man Loses Legs and Hands to Amputation After Licked By Dog

According to Statista, the US statistic for 2017-2018 estimate 89.7 million dogs live in U.S. households as pets. The statistics also indicate that in 2017 that an estimated 68 percent of all households owned pets in the United States.

Doctor Oz refers to the shocking headlines that went nationwide after a Wisconsin man had his legs and hands amputated due to an infection. This is an infection he got after he was licked by a dog. Greg Manteufel, 48, went into septic shock back in June and doctors confirmed this was from a bacteria called Capnocytophaga Canimorsus. He also needed his nose amputated and he’s looking at more surgery as he remains hospitalized.

Manteufel’s family spoke out about his rare infection, which they said came from a dog’s saliva. After he was licked by a dog he contracted this bacteria causing this condition. Doctors also confirmed this was the case with Manteufel. Now, Doctor Oz addressed it.

Deadly Bacteria in Up to 74% of Dogs Saliva – Up to 57% of Cats Saliva

The specialist who joined Doctor Oz for this TV special reported that a dog’s mouth contains more than 700 different types of bacteria. The Capnocytophaga Canimorsus is one of the common bacteria that is found in a dog’s mouth. It is also found in cats as well.

Doctor Oz’s guest, Dr. Casey Barton Behravesh, said it is common to find this bacteria in a dog’s mouth. With that said, it does not affect the dog. While it can be fatal to humans, a dog does not fall ill from this. Beharavesh is a veterinary epidemiologist with a masters of science in parasitology.

This bacteria is found in the mouths of up to 74 percent of dogs. It is also found in up to 57 percent of cats, according to the CDC specialists. D

While it caused deadly symptoms for Manteufel, the dog was fine. Behravesh also said:

“The important thing to know about this bacteria is that it’s very common in the mouth of dogs and cats, but the animals themselves don’t get sick from it.”

Behravesh also said: “But in rare cases, it can spread to people through bites, scratches, or through close contact with dogs and cats.”

Doctor Oz Deadly Dog Licks – Case Numbers

The Journal of Hand Surgery reported back in 2016 that 484 cases of sepsis occurred from a dog or a cat’s saliva. These are the number of documented cases since 1961. With less than 500 cases recorded in the last half of the century, this makes it a “comparatively rare condition.”

Out of all the patients who went into septic shock due to this condition, 60 percent of them died. Manteufel is still in the hospital with more surgeries expected. Despite going into septic shock, Manteufel fell into the 40 percent category of people who survive that stage.

It is suspected that this infection is transmitted to people from not being careful after interaction with their pets. When someone has salvia on their hand from a dog or a cat and they touch their eye or mouth, they could introduce this infection into their own body.

Doctor Oz – Precautions for Pet Owners

Dr. Oz recommends a few simple steps to avoid the risks of this infection from your pets. Starting with regularly washing hands after contact with your pets. He also recommends you supervise kids closely around pets. Regular visits to the vet for your pet is also recommended.

Doctor Oz asks that pet owners be very careful not to touch any part of your body where germs can be transmitted after touching your pets. This includes your mouth and eyes, along with any cuts or scratches you might have on your body.

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