‘Counting On’: Lauren Duggar Says Home Birth Is a No-Go

Counting On‘s Lauren Swanson Duggar did not want a home birth. Many of the Duggar women do opt to try for home births. But Lauren is not one of them. She said that her mother had her babies at the hospital and it’s easy because everything they need is right there.

Counting On: Laboring at Home for Lauren Swanson Duggar

Even though Lauren Swanson Duggar of show Counting On didn’t want to give birth at home, she didn’t want to go to the hospital too early. Going to the hospital early would just make her be more uncomfortable for longer. While she was laboring, her husband Josiah Duggar tried to make her feel better.

Before long, she started to really feel labor pains and knew it was time to go to the hospital. It wouldn’t work well if she wanted a hospital birth and couldn’t make it there. Laboring alongside the road is definitely much riskier than having a baby at home.

All of the breathing exercises and coaching from classes seem to be helping. Lauren was doing a great job throughout the contractions. And she even managed a smile in between her body getting to work to get the baby out.

Counting On: Lauren Duggar - Josiah Duggar

The Epidural Isn’t Working for Lauren

Lauren Duggar from Counting On decided she didn’t want to have a natural birth. Even though many of the Counting On ladies opt to go natural, that’s not what Lauren wanted to do. Even though Lauren did want to have help with pain, the epidural wasn’t working for her. In fact, the doctor gave her two epidurals and it didn’t help much, if at all.

Lauren Swanson was laboring in different positions and couldn’t find the best way to get comfortable. Josiah didn’t seem like he knew what to do with his wife in so much pain. He did his best to remember what he learned to do and helped Lauren through it.

Hours later, the young couple finally welcomed their daughter into the world. Their daughter Bella is their rainbow baby. She’s their baby that came after their miscarriage.

Counting On: Lauren Duggar - Josiah Duggar

‘Counting On’ Continues

We are now seeing some of the in-between with Lauren Duggar and her pregnancy. As the new season of Counting On shows on TV, there are sure to be some surprises and lots of laughs. The ladies recently got some pampering and face masks on the show. But what’s going to happen next?

Young Bella is already growing and is eight months old. Everyone is enjoying her updates and milestones as she becomes more and more mobile.

Counting On airs Tuesday nights at 8 pm on TLC. Many fans want to see if the kids are going to become the focus of the series again. Or if the patriarch and matriarch keep trying to take over.

Counting On has more coming up, so make sure you don’t miss it. Read more Soap Dirt.