‘Alaskan Bush People’: Bear Brown Jumps Ship After Things Get Heated?

Alaskan Bush People star Bear Brown sounds defeated in his latest post after his plea to leave Raiven Adams alone may have backfired. Instead of people abiding by his wish, his request seemed to amp up the barrage of negative comments online. The Alaskan Bush People son sounds a bit defeated as he says goodbye for now to his social media followers.

When the last Alaskan Bush People season was at the starting gate, Bear Brown had a surprise for fans. It looks like he became the last of Billy Brown and Ami Brown’s five sons to find love. The introduction of Raiven Adams online started a saga that continues today. It didn’t take too long before it turned nasty online for Discovery Channel’s Bear Brown.

Alaskan Bush People: Camps Form Around Bear Brown and Raiven Adams

Several different camps formed among the Alaskan Bush People enthusiasts. One was behind Bear all the way with his new love interest, which he described in his constant reports of happiness online. Another camp formed begging Bear Brown to be cautious. Some feared Raiven came with a hidden agenda and fame was her motivator.

Then, the people with strong opinions against Raiven formed another camp. They not only were against this relationship but they bashed the 21-year-old Raiven when her pictures showed up online. Then armchair sleuths formed among some of the Alaskan Bush People followers.

These cyber PI’s did some research on Raiven Adams. It seems they discovered that her last long-term relationship was with a woman. This gave the Alaskan Bush People naysayers more ammunition to shoot off accusations that Raiven attempted to use Bear Brown for fame.

Her mother, who attempted to defend her daughter on her social media site, was also ostracized as well. Now Bear not only had comments bombarding him but his new girlfriend and her mother as well.

Alaskan Bush People: Bear Brown

It Gets Nasty Online

Then, of course, came the engagement and each Alaskan Bush People camp seemed to strengthened their prospective positions. The cheerleading and supportive groups became thrilled for Bear.

But a dark cloud of disparaging remarks hovered over Raiven from those who questioned her agenda. Raiven recently shut down her Instagram site for a second time since all this started. It remains inactive today.

Then a breakup followed their short engagement. Apparently all the negativity got to Raiven. The surprise announcement of a baby on the way and a plan on co-parenting this child followed the broken engagement. But it looks like the whirl-wind Alaskan Bush People relationship still had more shelf life left.

The time away from each other seemed to bring the two back together. The last word from Bear Brown on his relationship is that they’ve reunited and ready to become parents together.

Well, it sounds good but some fans don’t believe it. They tend to think it’s all smoke and mirrors conjured up for the sake of the Alaskan Bush People show. Maybe things need to run smoothly for the next season and putting Bear back together with Raiven might be part of that plan.

Bear Brown Bows Out Gracefully – Throws In the Towel?

When Bear Browntook to the online world yesterday to sign off his Instagram account for a while, he didn’t give a reason for bowing out. But fans seemed to know why this Alaskan Bush People celeb was taking a hiatus from social media.

Despite pleading with Bear to continue on with Instagram, Bear remains quiet. While his site remains up and running, it sounds as if fans might not see any new posts in the near future. His latest posts seem to indicate why he might feel that he needs to get away from the public eye right now.

Some followers of the Alaskan Bush People question the paternity of Raiven’s unborn baby. Bear Brown came out seething after those comments appeared online. He is 100 percent positive that Raiven is carrying his baby and he doesn’t need a test to reassure him on this. Suggestions for DNA testing bombarded this son of the Alaskan Bush People once he announced the news of the pregnancy.

Bear Brown said he looked at the timeline and Raiven was staying with him in his home at the time the baby was conceived. So there’s no doubt in his mind. It looks as if Bear is done with the negativity today and one way to guard against that is to stay quiet on social media. As of Tuesday morning, Bear’s site is still up but nothing new is posted.

Come back to Soap Dirt for all the latest updates on Alaskan Bush People.